Psycomedia Demi-Episode 51-and-a-bit – \m/ HEAVY METAL AND BEARS \m/

Psycomedia Demi-Episode 51-and-a-bit – \m/ HEAVY METAL AND BEARS \m/

This week, Tim is away, so Ben goes METAL


  • Arnett, J. (1991). Heavy metal music and reckless behavior among adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 20(6), 573-592
  • Gowensmith, W. N., & Bloom, L. J. (1997). The effects of heavy metal music on arousal and anger. Journal of Music Therapy.
  • Robertson, D. (2000). “About Positive Music.”
  • Scheel, K. R., & Westefeld, J. S. (1999). Heavy metal music and adolescent suicidality: an empirical investigation. Adolescence, 34(134), 253-73.
  • Schiller Institute. (17 February 1998). “Towards a new renaissance in classical education.”
  • (22 March 2007). “Gifted students beat the blues with heavy metal.”
  • Took, K. J., & Weiss, D. S. (1994). The relationship between heavy metal and rap music and adolescent turmoil: real or artifact?. Adolescence, 29, 613-613.
  • Walker, K., & Kreiner, D.S. (2006). “Relationships of music preferences with perceived intelligence, measured intelligence, and mood state.” 18th Annual Conference of the Association for Psychological Science. New York, New York.
  • Wooten, M. A. (1992). The effects of heavy metal music on affects shifts of adolescents in an inpatient psychiatric setting. Music Therapy Perspectives.

Much (read: all) of the research for this week came from this excellent article:

Bjoffi, this week’s esteemed co-host:

Bjoffi responds to some negative feedback

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